Monday 26 May 2008


Right, I have decided to start this blog on a topic that confuses, amazes and completely fascinates me: nakedness. Well, not so much the naked body in general, but people's reactions to it.
Some people seem to find naked bodies fascinating, others find them disgusting. But, at least once a day (I'm presuming that we all get dressed at some point here) we are naked. We were all created without clothes, and for a long time, when we were first here, we all walked around with everything hanging out.
So, why do people find naked bodies so intriguing? I, for one, (and I know there are others out there like me) find it extremely easy to sit around with my friends with absolutely nothing on and feel completely comfortable with it! I know, however, that many people would find this completely inappropriate and disgusting and terrifying. Hence why I generally keep my clothes on :).
I'm not sure about everyone else's opinions on this matter, although I would love to carry out some form of survey or something to find out what people think. My idea is that we, as a Western culture, have learned to relate the naked body with sex, and we have also learned to relate sex with taboo, therefore making the naked body taboo within our society.
I, personally, think that every single naked body is completely beautiful, whether it's large, small, black or white. I know that others would beg to differ, but I stand by my views. I would like to see a lot more people feeling confident enough, within themselves and others, to take their clothes off freely.

Maybe we should have a national naked day?

Only in the summer, though.